Should you exercise when you’re sick?

Should you exercise when you’re sick?

There’s nothing worse than finally hitting a stride with your exercise routine, only to be struck down by a cold! So much so that you might be asking yourself... Should I soldier on with my gym routine, or should I take a rest and risk the loss of all my precious gains?

We’re here to help you answer that question! 

The good news is that if you are exercising regularly already, you are less likely to get sick due to its immune-enhancing effects. However, despite its magic, nobody is completely immune to the germ-related dangers lurking about in the world. 

Will exercising when sick slow down my recovery? 

In this case, the question of “should I exercise” has sub-questions. Specifically, what are your symptoms? And will exercise help or hinder recovery in relation to those symptoms.?

In some instances, exercise will help! For example if you’re feeling a bit stuffy through the sinuses, getting out for a walk might be just what you need to clear the sinuses and be able to breathe freely again (we all love to be able to do that!). 

If your symptoms do allow some exercise, keep it light. You don’t want to be out of breath, or struggling through that quad burn we all know and love. A slight elevation in heart rate and a light sweat is the goal here. 

However, there are many instances where exercise won’t help. We often forget that exercise is a stressor, i.e. it puts the body under additional stress. The majority of the time, it’s a stressor in a positive way...  But, a stressor nonetheless. When we are battling something that requires significant effort from our immune system, adding exercise to the mix may make things harder for your body to fight back. This can actually slow down the recovery process, keeping you feeling lower for longer!

Should you exercise when sick? Use our quick guide to help you decide!

Exercising with a cold

More good news though! Missing a few days to allow your body to recover properly isn't going to affect your progress in the long run. Those precious gains are safe and it’s fully in your control to not let it impact that stride you were on! 

Think about the greater good

Seeing as it's 2021, we shouldn't have to point this part out, but we will just in case. 

Whether it will make you feel better or not, your decision should factor in the health of everyone else too. We know how excited you might be to get out and exercise whenever possible... Right? Right. But even if your symptoms fall within the “help” category above, consider choosing your methods wisely when getting out to clear up your sinuses. Keeping in mind that there are also a variety of stylish masks on the market these days too... 

Skip the gym or the swimming pool and opt for a more secluded mode of activity - with the greater good in mind. Not to mention the added benefits of fresh air and some vitamin D! You’ll thank us later, and so will your fellow gym family!  

Author: Tessa Nielsen

#exercisephysiology #workplacewellness #corporatewellness #wellness #workconditioning #exercisephysiologysydney 

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